Signature Seasonal Bouquet


Our specialty… a fresh, seasonal bouquet that’s sure to delight! Let our talented floral designers create something gorgeous for you or the lucky recipient.


Our signature specialty… a fresh, seasonal bouquet that’s sure to delight! Let our talented floral designers create something gorgeous for you or the lucky recipient. If you’re buying for an occasion or have specific flowers or colors in mind, let us know in the Notes section at checkout. We’ll do our best to accommodate your request. Our seasonal bouquets are wrapped in modern black and white and tied with satin ribbon. Add a touch of class and ease by choosing a vase at checkout. We offer a classic $10 glass vase, or pump it up with a unique vase from our curated collection that’s bound to impress ($20)!

Two sizes available: Classic and Deluxe. Both sizes are gorgeous and robust. The Deluxe will feature more premium flowers and will make a bigger statement.

Pickup or delivery

  • Free pickup at our shop at 38 Main Street in Chester, NJ.
  • $10 Chester delivery; $15+ Local delivery (up to 10 miles) calculated at checkout based on location
  • Regional and Extended delivery available up to 20 miles away; calculated at checkout based on location

Additional information


Classic, Deluxe


Signature Wrap, Glass Vase, Curated Vase